BSPS Area 2A – notice of AGM

The AGM for BSPS Area 2A will take place on Monday 7th November at The Partridge, Stretton, commencing at 7:30

The agenda will be as follows:

1. Apologies

2. Approval of minutes of last AGM of BSPS Area 2A Limited (“Minutes”).

3. Matters arising from the previous Minutes.

4. Report from Chairman of Board of Directors

5. Directors

5.1. Retirement of current Directors

5.2 Election of new Directors for 2023

6. Area Committee

6.1 Retirement of current Area Committee

6.2 Election of new non-Director Area Committee members for 2023

7. Financial Report and Receipt of Accounts

8. AoB

At present, all existing committee member’s have expressed their willingness to stand for re-election in all of the available positions